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02/13/2014 - SWFPA Newsletter

February 2014 SWFPA Newsletter

Submitted by SWFPA President Ellen Wile, ACP, FRP, CAM


Our first membership meeting of 2014 features a presentation on a very controversial subject:  amending the Florida Constitution to allow the use of marijuana for medical purposes.  I presume many of you know that the Florida Supreme Court has approved a proposed amendment to the Florida Constitution to be placed on the ballot for the November 2014 election.  There was a 4-3 decision, dated January 27, 2014, cited as SC13-2006 and SC13-2132.  The concurring and dissenting opinions can be read on the Florida Supreme Court website if you are interested, at www.floridasupremecourt.org.


Our speaker, Michael Barfield, is the Vice President of the Florida ACLU organization and a paralegal consultant focusing in the areas of civil rights litigation and the enforcement of open government laws.  He works for the Law Offices of Andrea Flynn-Mogensen in Sarasota. 


If you have not yet reserved to attend this meeting yet, please contact Mary Lou DiMaggio at 941-308-3579, or 941-928-4673.  Hope to see you then.



FAPA Update

I attended the first FAPA Board Meeting of 2014 on January 25 in Orlando.  The main news for all of you to know is that an annual FAPA seminar is being planned for later in the year, probably September, and it will offer ALL ETHICS CREDITS.  The seminar location is likely to be in the Orlando area.  Keep an eye on updates by checking the FAPA website at www.fapainc.org.


Who uses Microsoft Office OneNote?

Microsoft Office OneNote software is included in most if not all of the usual MS Office packages.  I have started using it to put together an article for an upcoming NALA magazine.  Does anyone in SWFPA use it regularly?  OneNote was created to be a notebook-like software and has lots more flexibility than just taking notes in Word.  You can draw diagrams in it or place images in it for future use or reference.