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11/21/2010 - President's Message Nov/Dec

Hello again fellow members. As many of you know, this will be my last message to the membership. It has been a great pleasure being able to serve on SWFPA’s Board for the past four years. I know the new
Board will enjoy all of the happenings and friendships just as I have.

Speaking of new Board, if anyone is interested in serving as the new Treasurer or NALA Liaison, those positions still need to be filled.

Due to the change in the way NALA now counts CLE hours, we will earn one credit hour at our annual meeting on December 8, 2010. Troy H. Myers Jr., Esquire will speak about the new trends in foreclosures. As many of you know, he is not only very knowledgeable, but also very entertaining. This dinner meeting is sure to bring news to many of us who know someone, client, friend, or colleague, that may be dealing with the possibility of foreclosure.

The holidays are coming soon and the New Year just around the corner. We hear it every year, "Enjoy the holidays and don’t get caught up with too much to do. This yea.” This year, I will follow this rule of thumb. I pledge to take time to spend with friends and family. I will take that walk and see what the city I live in really looks like at sundown. I will visit with family that I never have time for. After a recent visit (with a fiasco attached) from my Grandmother and her dog, I have realized that memories are made from people, not doing things just to get them done. After years of getting this done and getting that done, I am ready to see if a more fulfilling holiday season can be had by taking in a little more time to be with others, to live and experience with others, rather than just doing. I hope you will also think about this.

Okay, it may be too soon for you to define one, but I encourage you to keep that in the back of your mind throughout the remainder of this year and a resolution should come easy for you to when it is time.

Sonja L. Behn