October 2013 SWFPA President Message
I�m still thinking about the presentation we heard at the August membership meeting from Attorney Carol Ann Kalish on the Affordable Health Care Act, otherwise known as Obama Care. Ms. Kalish did a great job describing the history and current state of a pretty complicated subject. Next as our membership meeting speaker on October 16 is Babette Bach, who is one of just a few Board Certified Attorneys in Elder Law in Florida. Ms. Bach was scheduled to present at our July seminar but had to deal with a client emergency. She will discuss long term care as it relates to governmental programs such as Medicare, V.A., and Social Security, and other planning tools.
If you have not yet reserved to attend this meeting, please contact Mary Lou DiMaggio at 941-308-3579, or 941-328-4673. Hope to see you then.
And a Big Also � It�s time now for members to declare their candidacy for the offices of President, Vice-President, Secretary, Treasurer, and NALA Liaison for the 2014 fiscal year which runs from January 1 to December 31. Deadline to submit your form is October 31.
Read more in the latest e-newsletter now posted on the member access part of our website.
SWFPA President Ellen Wile, ACP, FRP, CAM?xml:namespace>